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Brachypelma hamorii, also referred to as the Mexican redknee tarantula, is a stunning and hardy pet spider. This species of tarantula is one of the most well-known and easily identifiable in the entire world due to their attractiveness and coloration. Brachypelma hamorii tarantulas have a striking contrast between their dark bodies and their vibrant red-orange patches on the knees, giving them a flaming appearance.

Brachypelma hamorii - Adult Female - Mexican Red Knee

  • Only posting within the United Kingdom.

    All orders will be sent via RMSD (Royal mail special delivery) to arrive before 1PM at a charge of £10. Please make sure someone is there to receive and sign for the order.

    We reserve the right to postpone shipping when we feel it could be putting tarantulas at risk e.g. poor weather conditions.

    Posting days are Monday & Thursday. We will contact you to arrange your specific delivery date.

    You will get a confirmation of Dispatch and a Tracking Number by e-mail the day the order is sent.


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